Additional Support for Debt and Your Options

Find out more information on how to deal with your debts and options that you may have.

National Debt Hotline

Learn about different financial products and how to manage them. Use the various calculators to help with household budgets, understanding your credit card charges, superannuation, savings etc.

Money Smart

Find out more information on how to deal with your debts and options that you may have.

Commonwealth Financial Counselling Program

Commonwealth Financial Counselling services are delivered by community and local government organisations and help people in personal financial difficulty to address their financial problems and make informed choices. Circumstances that can lead to personal financial difficulty include unemployment, sickness, credit over-commitment and family breakdown.

Legal Aid Queensland

We specialise in criminal, family and civil law. We offer legal help – information, advice and representation – across all areas. Our information and advice services are free to all Queenslanders. Representation is available to people who meet our means and merit test guidelines.

Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia

AFSA provide improved and equitable financial outcomes for consumers, business and the community through application of bankruptcy and personal property securities laws, regulation of personal insolvency practitioners, and trustee services.

Australian Securities & Investments Commission

ASIC is Australia’s corporate, markets and financial services regulator. We contribute to Australia’s economic reputation and wellbeing by ensuring that Australia’s financial markets are fair and transparent, supported by confident and informed investors and consumers.

Office of Fair Trading

Our services, our laws and policies as well as your right to access information and how to work for us.

Money Smart

At some point in their lives most people need a loan or credit. This section of the website has smart borrowing tips for loans, credit cards, other types of credit such as interest-free deals and rent to buy, and information about credit reports and credit repair.

Coffee Hops

Photography | Design | Websites

Buying and Owning a Vehicle in Queensland


Teaching Youth About Money | Part 1