Programs available through The Neighbourhood Hub
Cultural Connections Program
The Program provides opportunities for local Mackay CALD communities to learn firsthand about the heritage of our First Nations people. Activities will focus on cultural walks, talks, workshops and yarning circles to promote diversity, equality and harmony.
Multicultural Community Program
The Neighbourhood Hub Multicultural Community Program is a part of the Community Action for a Multicultural Society (CAMS) network. This network of multicultural community workers undertake systemic and group advocacy and community capacity-building activities for the benefit of Queenslanders from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds (CALD) delivering and strengthening community connectedness across the state.
Migrant Settlement Program
The Migrant Settlement Program supports newly arrived migrants in Mackay with their successful integration into Australian society through individual case management, group information sessions, driver awareness classes as well as advocacy and support.